Does Your Resume Wear Blue Jeans? (C. Edward Good) -
The Book on Resume Preparation |

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A valuable guide on good resume writing, Does Your Resume Wear Blue Jeans? teaches you the secrets
to make your resume properly dressed and well written. It contains many full resumes as examples,
is fun to read and talks in a no-nonsense manner. C. Edward Good gives the job seeker a wealth of
advice on preparing a professional resume. This book will become the standard text, by which all
other resume and job hunting guides will be judged. Whether it's the correct spacing, graphics,
typefaces, headings, contents, order, skills choices, resume structure, captions or any other
way of tooting your own horn, this authority on the best resume writing techniques is right on
target with many insights, observations and extremely practical advice. Strongly recommended for
all persons seeking employment in today's ever more competitive job market!

Dragon Lady (Sterling & Peggy Seagrave) |

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A complete reappraisal of the Dowager Empress Tzu Hsi (1835-1908), China's last empress,
exposing Sir Edmund Backhouse's writings about her as a hoax and forgery. Showing that
far from being all-powerful, she was actually a hostage of vengeful Manchu princes who
were just using her in a power struggle against both Chinese reformers and foreign
interference. Born the daughter of a Manchu officer in 1835, her notorious ride to fame
and power began in the imperial concubinage in 1856 when she gave birth to a boy heir.
Seagrave's aim is to destroy longstanding myths created by Western imperialist adventurers
of pen and sword who painted her as the Wicked Witch of the East. He exposes Backhouse as
a prurient fraud who willfully set out to create an empress who would satiate Western
stereotypes of sex-starved Asian women and justify British adventuring inside China.
What a masterful debunking of a troubling distortion of Chinese history!
