The Defense Speaks (Slobodan Milosevic & Ramsey Clark) |

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This look at Slobodan Milosevic's defense statement — regarding his country, his people and himself —
accompanies a legal brief by former U.S. attorney general Ramsey Clark. The brief suggests that the
American government and its European allies exacerbated religious and ethnic differences in Yugoslavia,
in order to reduce the country to a group of easily colonized mini-states, while each of the NATO powers
and their respective media lied to justify the aggression. Detractors of the recent experiences in Iraq,
who no longer believe the American government's spin on its foreign policy, will find much to consider
about the 1999 events in Yugoslavia.

The Hungarian Cookbook (Susan & Charles G. Derecskey) |

Buy It! |
Susan's book is the Hungarian "Joy of Cooking." This is the only comprehensive
Hungarian cookbook containing regional variations, the correct recipes, the number
of servings the recipe yields and suggestions for accompanying foods. All the
measurements and temperatures are translated to the American system. This cookbook
has all your favorites of down-home Hungarian cooking from simple dishes you can
whip up in minutes to the best of Hungarian cuisine. If you are of Hungarian descent,
you must have this book. If you have never had Hungarian food, buy this book, pick a
recipe at random and enjoy! Our appetite for this interesting cuisine has been whetted
by this excellent work! You won't want that Hungarian to leave after you've tried some
of these recipes!
