PC World
January 28, 2011
By Patrick Miller & David Daw
These days no popular movement goes without an Internet presence of some kind,
whether it's organizing on Facebook or spreading the word through Twitter. And
as we've seen in
Egypt, that means, that your Internet connection can be the first to go.
Whether you're trying to check in with your family, contact your friends or
simply spread the word, here are a few ways to build some basic network
connectivity, when you can't rely on your cellular or landline Internet
Do-It-Yourself Internet with Ad-Hoc Wi-Fi
Even if you've managed to find an Internet connection for yourself, it won't be
that helpful in reaching out to your fellow locals, if they can't get online to
find you. If you're trying to coordinate a group of people in your area and can't
rely on an Internet connection, cell phones or SMS, your best bet could be a
wireless mesh network
of sorts - essentially, a distributed network of wireless networking devices, that
can all find each other and communicate with each other. Even if none of those
devices have a working Internet connection, they can still find each other, which,
if your network covers the city, you're in, might be all you need. At the moment
wireless mesh networking isn't really anywhere close to market-ready, though we
have seen an implementation of the 802.11s draft standard, which extends the 802.11
Wi-Fi standard to include wireless mesh networking in the
One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) XO laptop.
However, a prepared guerrilla networker with a handful of PCs
could make good use of Daihinia ($25, 30-day free trial), an app,
that piggybacks on your Wi-Fi adapter driver to turn your normal
ad-hoc Wi-Fi network into a multihop ad-hoc network (disclaimer:
we haven't tried this ourselves yet), meaning, that instead of
requiring each device on the network to be within range of the
original access point, you simply need to be within range of a
device on the network, that has Daihinia installed, effectively
allowing you to add a wireless mesh layer to your ad-hoc
Advanced freedom fighters can set up a portal Web page on
their network, that explains the way, the setup works, with
Daihinia instructions and a local download link, so they can
spread the network even further. Lastly, just add a Bonjour-
compatible chat client, like Pidgin or iChat and you'll be able
to talk to your neighbors across the city, without needing an Internet connection.
Back to Basics
Remember, when you stashed your old modems in the closet, because you thought, you might
need them some day? In the event of a total communications blackout - as we're seeing in
Egypt, for example - you'll be glad, you did. Older and simpler tools, like dial-up Internet
or even ham radio, could still work, since these "abandoned" tech avenues aren't being
policed nearly as hard.
In order to get around the total shutdown of all of the ISPs within Egypt, several international
ISPs are offering dial-up access to the Internet, to get protesters online, since phone service
is still operational. It's slow, but it still works - the hard part is getting the access numbers
without an Internet connection to find them.
Unfortunately such dial-up numbers can also be fairly easily shut down
by the Egyptian government, so you could also try returning to FidoNet,
a distributed networking system for BBSes, that was popular in the
1980s. FidoNet is limited to sending only simple text messages and
it's slow, but it has two virtues: Users connect asynchronously, so
the network traffic is harder to track and any user can act as the
server, which means, that even if the government shuts down one
number in the network, another one can quickly pop up, to take its
You could also take inspiration from groups, that are working to
create an ad-hoc communications network into and out of Egypt
using Ham Radio, since the signals are rarely tracked and extremely
hard to shut down or block. Most of these efforts are still getting off
the ground, but hackers are already cobbling together ways to make
it a viable form of communication into and out of the country.
Always Be Prepared!
In the land of no Internet connection the man with dial-up is king. Here are a few gadgets, that
you could use to prepare for the day they cut the lines.

Terminal Node Controller (TNC) 2400 packet radio modem
Given enough time and preparation, your ham radio networks could even be adapted into
your own ad-hoc network using Packet Radio,
a radio communications protocol, that you can use, to create simple long-distance wireless
networks, to transfer text and other messages between computers. Packet Radio is rather
slow and not particularly popular (don't try to stream any videos with this, now), but
it's exactly the kind of networking device, that would fly under the radar.
In response to the crisis in Egypt, nerds everywhere have risen to call for new and
exciting tools for use in the next government-mandated shutdown. Bre Pettis, founder
of the hackerspace NYC Resistor and creator
of the MakerBot 3D printer, has called for
Apps for the Appocalypse", including a quick and easy way to set up chats on
a local network, so you can talk with your friends and neighbors in an emergency
even without access to the Internet. If his comments are any indication, Appocalypse
apps may be headed your way soon.
Tons of cool tech are also just waiting to be retrofitted for these purposes. David
Dart's Pirate Box is a one-step
local network in a box, originally conceived for file sharing and local P2P purposes,
but it wouldn't take much work to adapt the Pirate Box as a local networking tool,
able to communicate with other pirate boxes to form a compact, mobile set of local
networks in the event of an Internet shutdown.
Whether you're in Egypt or Eagle Rock, you rely on your Internet access, to stay in
touch with friends and family, get your news and find information, you need (and to
read PC World, of course). Hopefully with these apps, tools and techniques you won't
have to worry about anyone - even your government - keeping you from doing just that.
Patrick Miller hopes, he isn't first against the wall, when the revolution comes.
Find him on Twitter or
- if you have a working Internet connection, anyway.
David Daw is an accidental expert in ad-hoc networks, since his apartment gets no
cell reception. Find him on Twitter
or send him a ham radio signal!