Your wireless company is tracking you with GPS,
recording your phone calls and text messages... and
they are selling the information, they collect, to
other corporations, nations, governments — anyone
willing to pay for the data. The US government is
one of the wireless corporations' biggest clients.
They are collecting yotabytes of data from multiple
sources on all American citizens.
Congressman Ed Markey compiled a
report with
information from numerous cell phone corporations,
that showed, just how much data law enforcement
receives from prominent cell phone carriers.
AT&T, Sprint, Verizon and T-Mobile were
requested to hand over personal client data to federal agencies and local law enforcement
at an alarming rate.
- 1.3 million = total number of law enforcement requests for “text messages, caller locations
and other information in the course of investigations”
- 116 = average number of requests, the tiny Cricket fields each day
- 700 = average number of requests, AT&T fields each day
- 1,500 = average number of requests, Sprint fields each day
- $8.3 million = total amount in bills, that AT&T sent to law enforcement and government agencies
to comply with their requests (That was up from $2.8 million in 2007.)
Sprint, catering to the illegal data mining of government agencies, has also made their job easier by
providing an automated web interface
specifically designed for law enforcement, which allowed them to retrieve more public information, than
from any other cellular phone carrier.
The Obama administration is attempting to force a rewrite of Congressional law regarding
cellular phone privacy rights. In United States v. Jones
Americans have protection under the US Constitution against GPS surveillance by local law enforcement
and federal agencies under the 4th Amendment.
Because of the information, that can be obtained from GPS technology and cellular phone devices,
a search warrant was an absolute requirement. Law enforcement would typically make a
request for multiple forms of data from one particular person under the guise of hunting down
a bank robber or serial killer. However, these claims were more often, than not erroneous and simply
a formality to justify the data mining.
Text messages are like gold to the federal and local agencies retrieving information on citizens,
because it is cheaper for them to obtain from the cellular phone corporations. As the rise in
requests continues, the requests for legal wiretapping
decreases. Simply put: why jump through legal hoops to get information, when the corporations
readily give it to law enforcement at the expense of the privacy of their clients?
While the US Supreme Court
ruled, that law enforcement must obtain a warrant, before tagging a car with a GPS tracker,
the cellular phone laws are still murky
and up to interpretation.
In the UK the UK Home Office (UKHO) have
admitted, they are spying on their citizens in an expansion of MI5 data surveillance laws.
A proposed bill, if passed, would place massive amounts of personal data into the hands of the
British government. How they use that data, is purely at their discretion. Internet companies
will have to install hardware enabling GCHQ — the government’s electronic “listening” agency —
to examine “on demand” any phone call made, text message and email sent and website accessed
in “real time".
Smartphones and social media can also be used to engage otherwise unknown material about whomever
the authorities want to survey. All of this data is conveniently stored on most modern cell phones.
Cell phones are our most beloved technology. Everyone has one and could not live without it.
And those, who are in government and law enforcement, have turned them into spying devices, because
it is just too easy. We pay for the phone. We pay for the service. And it has been turned into a Big
Brother control, that strips us of our privacy.