1. Open Visual C++ 5.0
2. File
3. New
4. MFC AppWizard (exe), Project Name (Dialog), OK
5. Dialog-based, Next (Step 1 of 4)
6. Title, Next (Step 2 of 4)
7. Statically, Next (Step 3 of 4)
8. Finish (Step 4 of 4)
9. New Project Information: OK
10. Dialog classes
11. Project
12. Add to Project, Components and Controls
13. Registered ActiveX Controls
14. Calendar Control 8.0, Insert
15. Really insert? OK
16. Confirm Classes: OK
17. Close Components and Controls Gallery
18. ResourceView
19. Dialog resources
20. Dialog, IDD_DIALOG_DIALOG (doubleclick)
21. Dialog.rc
22. Rightclick on TODO, Insert ActiveX Control
23. Calendar Control 8.0, OK
24. Inserted Calendar Control
25. Select TODO
26. After hitting the Delete key
27. Drag to enlarge calendar
28. Maximize Dialog.rc
29. Click outside calendar on gray area
30. Drag to enlarge Sample Dialog Application
31. Drag to enlarge calendar more
32. CTRL-doubleclick calendar
33. Add Member Variable
34. Type Calendar 1, OK
35. Rightclick on calendar, Events
36. Highlight DblClick event, Add and Edit
37. Add Member Function: OK
38. Blank function
39. Enter function code
40. Function code (copy & paste, except first 2 lines + last line)
41. Doubleclick IDD_DIALOG_DIALOG icon (to return from code to calendar)
42. Tools, Customize
43. Toolbars: Controls, Close
44. Drag button from Toolbox to gray area
45. Close Toolbox
46. Rightclick button, Properties
47. Push Button Properties
48. Change ID and Caption, Close
49. Rightclick "Reset Date" button, Events
50. Hightlight BN_CLICK event, Add and Edit
51. Accept default function name
52. Blank "Reset Date" function
53. Enter code
54. "Reset Date" function code (copy & paste, except first 2 lines + last line)
55. Build, Build Dialog.exe
56. Compiling, linking done
57. My Computer > C: > Program Files > DevStudio > MyProjects > Dialog > Debug > Dialog.exe
58. Program complete!