1. Open Microsoft Word 2016 with a blank file!
2. Click on the Mailings tab!
3. Click on Start Mail Merge > Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard...!
4. Right column for Mail Merge opens up.
5. Select document type: Labels (Step 1 of 6)
6. Next: Starting document
7. Use the current document
8. Change document layout > Label options...
9. Label Options dialog box opens up.
10. Label Vendors: Avery US Letter
11. Product Number: 5160 Address Labels > OK
12. Next: Select recipients (Step 2 of 6)
13. Use an existing list > Browse...
14. Select mailmerge.xlsx > Select Table: Sheet1$ > OK
15. Mail Merge Recipients > OK
16. Next: Arrange your labels (Step 3 of 6)
17. More items...
18. Insert Merge Field dialog box appears.
19. First Name > Insert > Close
20. «First_name» appears in the first label box.
21. At the cursor type a space!
22. More items...
23. Insert Merge Field dialog box appears.
24. Last Name > Insert > Close
25. «Last_name» appears in the first label box.
26. At the cursor type ENTER to move to the next line!
27. More items...
28. Insert Merge Field dialog box appears.
29. Address > Insert > Close
30. «Address» appears in the first label box.
31. At the cursor type ENTER to move to the next line!
32. City > Insert > Close
33. «City» appears in the first label box.
34. At the cursor type a comma, then a space!
35. More items...
36. Insert Merge Field dialog box appears.
37. State > Insert > Close
38. «State» appears in the first label box.
39. At the cursor type a space!
40. More items...
41. Insert Merge Field dialog box appears.
42. Zip > Insert > Close
43. «Zip» appears in the first label box.
44. Delete all «Next Record» tags! (Home > Replace > Mailings)
45. Update all labels
46. Next: Preview your labels (Step 4 of 6)
47. Next: Complete the merge (Step 5 of 6)
48. Print...
49. File > Save As > Browse > mailmerge.docx > Save