#!/usr/local/bin/perl ################################################################## # Advertisement Banner Rotator V2.0 # # This program is distributed as freeware. We are not # responsible for any damages that the program causes # to your system. It may be used and modified free of # charge, as long as the copyright notice # in the program that give me credit remain intact. # If you find any bugs in this program. It would be thankful # if you can report it to us at cgifactory@cgi-factory.com. # However, that email address above is only for bugs reporting. # We will not respond to the messages that are sent to that # address. If you have any trouble installing this program, # olease feel free to post a message on our CGI Support Forum. # Selling this script is absolutely forbidden and illegal. ################################################################## # # COPYRIGHT NOTICE: # # Copyright 1999-2000 CGI-Factory.com TM # A subsidiary of SiliconSoup.com LLC # # # Web site: http://www.cgi-factory.com # E-Mail: cgifactory@cgi-factory.com # # Advertisement Banner Rotator V2.0 is protected by the copyright # laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other # intellectual property laws and treaties. ################################################################### #Nothing more needs to be modified below this line, unless you feel #like doing it. require "cfg.cgi"; read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); @pairs = split(/&/, $buffer); foreach $pair (@pairs) { ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair); $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $value =~ s/\n/ /g; $request{$name} = $value; } print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; ############## tell the script what the action is if ($request{'action'} eq "viewdata") { &view_data; exit; } if ($request{'action'} eq "view_all") { &view_all; exit; } if ($request{'action'} eq "addnew") { &addnew; exit; } if ($request{'action'} eq "preview") { &preview; exit; } if ($request{'action'} eq "pmodify") { &preview_modify; exit; } if ($request{'action'} eq "modify") { &modify; exit; } if ($request{'action'} eq "getid") { &getid; exit; } if ($request{'action'} eq "pdelete") { &pdelete; exit; } if ($request{'action'} eq "creset") { &creset; exit; } if ($request{'action'} eq "erase") { &erase; exit; } if ($request{'action'} eq "comdelete") { &comdelete; exit; } if ($request{'action'} eq "deletenow") { &deletenow; exit; } &exitnow; ########################################################## view an entry sub view_data { &vpassword; $id= $request{'id'}; if ($id=~ tr/;<>*|`&$!#()[]{}:'"//) { print "Security Alert! Action canceled.
\n"; print "Please don't use weird symbols\n"; exit; } open (tid, "<$datalocation/tcount.txt") or &error("Unable to open the count file"); if ($flock eq "y") { flock tid, 2; } $tid=; close(tid); $id= $request{'id'}; if ($id > $tid or !$id) { print "member not in database"; exit; } open (data, "<$datalocation/$id.txt") or &exitnow; if ($flock eq "y") { flock data, 2; } @data=; close(data); $percent= @data[10]; $chance= int($percent * 100); $currenttime=time(); $expire=@data[7]; $newtime=$expire-$currenttime; if ($newtime < 0) { $extime="expired!"; } else { $extime= $newtime/86400; } print "ID:$id
"; print "Name: @data[0]
"; print "Url: @data[1]
"; print "Src: @data[2]
"; print "Name: @data[3]
"; print "Height: @data[4]
"; print "Width: @data[5]
"; print "Alt Text: @data[6]
"; print "Expire after \"$extime\" days
"; print "Total times displayed: @data[8]
"; print "Total times clicked: @data[9]
"; print "Chance been clicked: $chance%
"; exit; } ########################################################## view all entries sub view_all { &vpassword; open (tid, "<$datalocation/tcount.txt") or &error("Unable to open the count file"); if ($flock eq "y") { flock tid, 2; } $tid=; close(tid); $tid++; $found=0; $i=1; if ($i=~ tr/;<>*|`&$!#()[]{}:'"//) { print "Security Alert! Action canceled.
\n"; print "Please don't use weird symbols\n"; exit; } READ: for ($i; $i<$tid; $i++) { open ($i, "<$datalocation/$i.txt") or next READ; @$idata=<$i>; close($i); $found++; print "
Name: @$idata[0] ID:$i
\n"; print " Password: "; print ""; print ""; print "

\n"; } print "Total result(s) found: $found"; exit; } ########################################################## preview new entries sub preview { &vpassword; print "The following information will be added:
"; print "Name: $request{'name'}
"; print "Url: $request{'url'}
"; print "Src: $request{'src'}
"; print "Text: $request{'text'}
"; print "Width: $request{'w'}
"; print "Height: $request{'h'}
"; print "Alt text: $request{'alttext'}
"; print "Expire after \"$request{'expire'}\" days
"; print "
\n"; print "Password: \n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
"; exit; } ########################################################### preview before modify an entry sub preview_modify { &vpassword; print "The following information will be changed:
"; print "Name: $request{'name'}
"; print "Url: $request{'url'}
"; print "Src: $request{'src'}
"; print "Text: $request{'text'}
"; print "Width: $request{'w'}
"; print "Height: $request{'h'}
"; print "Alt text: $request{'alttext'}
"; print "Expire after \"$request{'expire'}\" days
"; print "
\n"; print "Password: \n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
"; exit; } ########################################################### modify sub modify { &vpassword; $id=$request{'id'}; if ($id=~ tr/;<>*|`&$!#()[]{}:'"//) { print "Security Alert! Action canceled.
\n"; print "Please don't use weird symbols\n"; exit; } $currenttime=time(); $expireday= $request{'expire'}; $expiretime= $expireday*86400; $newtime= $expiretime+$currenttime; open (data, ">$datalocation/$id.txt") or &error("Unable to open the data file for writing"); if ($flock eq "y") { flock data, 2; } print data "$request{'name'}\n"; print data "$request{'url'}\n"; print data "$request{'src'}\n"; print data "$request{'text'}\n"; print data "$request{'w'}\n"; print data "$request{'h'}\n"; print data "$request{'alttext'}\n"; print data "$newtime\n"; print data "$request{'exposures'}\n"; print data "$request{'hits'}\n"; print data "$request{'percent'}\n"; close(data); print "The following information had been changed:
\n"; print "Name: $request{'name'}
"; print "Url: $request{'url'}
"; print "Src: $request{'src'}
"; print "Text: $request{'text'}
"; print "Width: $request{'w'}
"; print "Height: $request{'h'}
"; print "Alt text: $request{'alttext'}
"; print "Expire after $request{'expire'} days
"; exit; } ########################################################### comfirm reseting data sub creset { &vpassword; print "Are you sure you want to do this? The tracking record for banner NO.$request{'id'} will be reset to 0
\n"; print "
\n"; print "Password: \n"; print "\n"; print ""; print "
\n"; exit; } ########################################################### reset data sub erase { &vpassword; $id=$request{'id'}; if ($id=~ tr/;<>*|`&$!#()[]{}:'"//) { print "Security Alert! Action canceled.
\n"; print "Please don't use weird symbols\n"; exit; } open (bdata, "<$datalocation/$id.txt") or &error("Unable to open the banner data for reading"); if ($flock eq "y") { flock bdata, 2; } @bdata=; close(bdata); @reset=("0\n","0\n","0\n"); splice(@bdata, 8,3, @reset); open (bdata2, ">$datalocation/$id.txt") or &error("Unable to open the banner data for reading"); if ($flock eq "y") { flock bdata2, 2; } print bdata2 @bdata; close(bdata2); print "Done\n"; exit; } ########################################################### add new entries sub addnew { &vpassword; open (id, "<$datalocation/tcount.txt") or &error("Unable to open the count file"); if ($flock eq "y") { flock id, 2; } $id=; close(id); $id++; open (wid, ">$datalocation/tcount.txt") or &error("Unable to write to the count file"); if ($flock eq "y") { flock wid, 2; } print wid"$id"; close(wid); $currenttime=time(); $expireday= $request{'expire'}; $expiretime= $expireday*86400; $newtime= $expiretime+$currenttime; open (data, ">$datalocation/$id.txt") or &error("Unable to open the data file for writing"); if ($flock eq "y") { flock data, 2; } print data "$request{'name'}\n"; print data "$request{'url'}\n"; print data "$request{'src'}\n"; print data "$request{'text'}\n"; print data "$request{'w'}\n"; print data "$request{'h'}\n"; print data "$request{'alttext'}\n"; print data "$newtime\n"; print data "0\n"; print data "0\n"; print data "0\n"; close(data); print "The following information had been added:
\n"; print "Name: $request{'name'}
"; print "Url: $request{'url'}
"; print "Src: $request{'src'}
"; print "Text: $request{'text'}
"; print "Width: $request{'w'}
"; print "Height: $request{'h'}
"; print "Alt text: $request{'alttext'}
"; print "Expire after \"$request{'expire'}\" days
"; exit; } ################################################# get entry of an ID sub getid { &vpassword; $id= $request{'id'}; if ($id=~ tr/;<>*|`&$!#()[]{}:'"//) { print "Security Alert! Action canceled.
\n"; print "Please don't use weird symbols\n"; exit; } open (tid, "<$datalocation/tcount.txt") or &error("Unable to open the count file"); if ($flock eq "y") { flock tid, 2; } $tid=; close(tid); $id= $request{'id'}; if ($id > $tid or !$id) { print "member not in database"; exit; } open (data, "<$datalocation/$id.txt") or &exitnow; if ($flock eq "y") { flock data, 2; } @data=; close(data); $currenttime=time(); $expire=@data[7]; $newtime=$expire-$currenttime; if ($newtime < 0) { $extime="expired!"; } else { $extime= $newtime/86400; } print "
\n"; print "Name
\n"; print "URL
\n"; print "Src
\n"; print "Text
\n"; print "Width
\n"; print "Height
\n"; print "Alt Text
\n"; print "Expire after (days)
\n"; print "Password: "; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; exit; } ################################################# delete a member sub pdelete { &vpassword; $id= $request{'id'}; if ($id=~ tr/;<>*|`&$!#()[]{}:'"//) { print "Security Alert! Action canceled.
\n"; print "Please don't use weird symbols\n"; exit; } open (tid, "<$datalocation/tcount.txt") or &error("Unable to open the count file"); if ($flock eq "y") { flock tid, 2; } $tid=; close(tid); $id= $request{'id'}; if ($id > $tid or !$id) { print "member not in database"; exit; } open (data, "<$datalocation/$id.txt") or &exitnow; if ($flock eq "y") { flock data, 2; } @data=; close(data); $currenttime=time(); $expire=@data[7]; $newtime=$expire-$currenttime; if ($newtime < 0) { $extime="expired!"; } else { $extime= $newtime/86400; } print "
\n"; print "Name: @data[0]
\n"; print "URL: @data[1]
\n"; print "Src: @data[2]
\n"; print "Text: @data[3]
\n"; print "Width: @data[4]
\n"; print "Height: @data[5]
\n"; print "Alt Text: @data[6]
\n"; print "Expire after (days) $extime days
\n"; print "Displayed times: @data[8]
\n"; print "Hits: @data[9]
\n"; print "Click through radio: @data[10]
\n"; print "Id: $id
\n"; print "Password: \n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; exit; } ############################################ comfirm delete sub comdelete { &vpassword; print "
\n"; print "Are you sure you want to do this?"; print "Password: \n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; exit; } ############################################ deletenow sub deletenow { &vpassword; if ($request{'id'}=~ tr/;<>*|`&$!#()[]{}:'"//) { print "Security Alert! Action canceled.
\n"; print "Please don't use weird symbols\n"; exit; } unlink("$datalocation/$request{'id'}.txt"); print "Entry NO. $request{'id'} has been deleted!\n"; exit; } ############################################ no action sub exitnow { print "member not in database"; exit; } sub error{ $errors = $_[0] ; print "An error has occured, the error is $errors
\n"; print "$!\n"; exit; } ###### password sub vpassword{ open (PASS,"$datalocation/pass.dat") || &error("Unable to open the password file"); if ($flock eq "y") { flock PASS, 2; } $pass = ; close(PASS); $request{'password'}=~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $pass2 = crypt($request{'password'}, "MM"); unless ($pass eq "$pass2") { $timenow=localtime(); print "Incorrect logon. Use your back button to try again.
"; print "The password you entered is incorrect.
"; print "The following information has been sent to the webmaster of the web site
"; print "Your Information:
"; print "
    Password: $request{'password'}
"; print "
    Time: $timenow
"; print " "; if ($alert eq "y") { if ($yourmail=~ tr/;<>*|`&$!#()[]{}:'"// or $mailprog=~ tr/;<>*|`&$!#()[]{}:'"//) { print "Security Alert! Action canceled.
\n"; print "Please don't use weird symbols\n"; exit; } open (MAIL, "|$mailprog -t") or &error("Unable to open the mail program"); print MAIL "To: $yourmail\n"; print MAIL "From: $yourmail\n"; print MAIL "Subject: bad password\n"; print MAIL "Just a quick note to let you know that someone\n"; print MAIL "entered the wrong password for entering the admin script.\n"; print MAIL "Here are the information:\n\n"; print MAIL "$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}\n"; print MAIL "Password: $request{'password'}\n"; print MAIL "$timenow\n"; close(MAIL); exit; } exit; } }