################################################################## # # Advertisement Banner Rotator V2.0 # # This program is distributed as freeware. We are not responsible # for any damages the program may cause to your system. It may be # used and modified free of charge, as long as the copyright notice # in the program that gives me credit remains intact. # # If you find any bugs in this program, we would be thankful, if # you could report it to us at cgifactory@cgi-factory.com. However, # the e-mail address above is only for reporting bugs. We will not # respond to other messages sent to that address. If you have any # trouble installing this program, please, feel free to post a # message in our CGI Support Forum. # # Selling this script is absolutely forbidden and illegal. # ################################################################## # # COPYRIGHT NOTICE: # # Copyright 1999-2000 CGI-Factory.com TM # A subsidiary of SiliconSoup.com LLC # # # Web site: http://www.cgi-factory.com # E-Mail: cgifactory@cgi-factory.com # # Advertisement Banner Rotator V2.0 is protected by the copyright # laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other # intellectual property laws and treaties. # ################################################################### $yourmail=""; #Your email address: something\@something.com $mailprog="/usr/lib/sendmail -t"; #mail program $datalocation="/usr/local/www/monkey/computers/cgi/bannerrotators/advbanner/cgi-bin/data"; #Change this line to the full system path to the location where #you want the script to store the data file. Don't forget to chmod #the directory to "777" $alert="n"; #The script will send you an email, if somebody entered a wrong #password for entering the admin script. (n=off, y=on) $admincgi="ad-admin.cgi"; #The file name of the admin script. Don't change it, unless you #changed the file name of the admin script! $redirect= "http://www.wildboar.net/computers/webdesign/cgi/perl/bannerrotators/advbanner/cgi-bin/redirect.cgi"; #The www path to the location of redirect.cgi $flock="y"; #file locking. Don't change it to n, unless your system has trouble #using file locking.