DCForms 98



Download this file, rename its extension from .txt to .cgi and edit these:
Upload dcforms98.cgi to your cgi-bin & chmod to 755!
Create empty directory named data & chmod to 777!
Save dcforms98.html and edit the following hidden variables:
  1. param_recipient - e-mail addresses of recipient(s), each delimited by a comma
  2. param_subject - subject line of e-mail (spaces are okay)
  3. param_env_report - if you wish to record some environment variables, list them here
  4. param_order - order of fields (case-sensitive), leaving it blank sorts them by names
  5. param_database - name of data file to save form data to (will be created by script)
  6. param_required - required fields
Form sends e-mail to webmaster and saves data to text file on server.