#!/usr/local/bin/perl # ice-form.pl -- cgi compliant ICE search interface # # ICE Version 1.5 beta 3 rev2 # March 2000 # (C) Christian Neuss / fax (425) 732-7343 #--- start of configuration --- put your changes here --- # Title or name of your server: # Example: local($title)="Search this server"; local($title)="Wild Boar Search Engine"; # search directories to present in the search dialogue # Example: # local(@directories)=( # "DZSIM (/www/projects/dzsim)", # "CSCW Laboratory (/www/projects/cscw-lab)", # ); # local(@directories)=( # "Next (/NextLibrary)", # "WISE (/www/projects/wise)", # "Multimedia Survey (/www/projects/mms)", # "DZSIM (/www/projects/dzsim)", # "CSCW Laboratory (/www/projects/cscw-lab)", # "WWW-Schulung (/www/igd-a3/schulung)", # ); # Location of the indexfile: # Note: under Windows or Windows NT, add the drive letter # Example: $indexfile='/usr/local/etc/httpd/index/index.idx'; $indexfile='/www/htdocs/domains/domain3/00095/www.wildboar.net/webdocs/cgi/ice/ice1-5/index.idx'; # Location of the thesaurus data file: # Example: $thesfile='/igd/a3/home1/neuss/Perl/thes.dat'; # $thesfile='/igd/a3/home1/neuss/Perl/thes.dat'; $thesfile='/www/htdocs/domains/domain3/00095/www.wildboar.net/webdocs/cgi/ice/thes.dat'; # Document Root and Aliases for your server. The Document Root is # the directory where the "top level" documents reside. Additional # mappings can be set via the "Aliases" variable (which can be left # empty if no additional mappings exist). # # Important hint: if you are unsure about how to set $docroot, # look at the end of the index file. $docroot must be set so # that it matches the paths found there. # # Example # $docroot = '/usr3/webstuff/documents'; # %aliases = ( # '/projects', '/usr/stud/proj', # '/people', '/usr3/webstuff/staff', # ); # $docroot = '/www/htdocs/domains/domain3/00095/www.wildboar.net/webdocs'; %aliases = ( ); # The following configuration settings are OPTIONAL # # you can localize the BODY tag, if you want. Use an absolute # path such as the one given in the example if linking to a # background image. # Example: # $BODY = ''; # Maximum number of hits to return # Example: # $MAXHITS=100; $MAXHITS=50; # Minimum length of word to be indexed (same as in ice-idx.pl) # Example: # $MINLEN=3; $MINLEN=3; #--- end of configuration --- you don't have to change anything below --- local(@errStack); # do the real work, but trap any errors eval '&main'; # if an error has occured, log it to stdout if($@){ &send_header("Error in Script"); # just in case print "$@\n "; } # main loop sub main { # if this script is called up "by hand", run a test unless($ENV{"SCRIPT_NAME"}){ if($ARGV[0] eq "-i"){ print &buildIndex(); } local($word) = ($#ARGV==-1) ? "test" : join(" ",@ARGV) ; print &performQuery($word); return; } # if content_length is zero and query string is empty if (($ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH}==0) && (length($ENV{"QUERY_STRING"})==0)){ # we're not decoding a form yet => send the form &send_header("$title"); &send_index(); &send_trailer(); return; } # else: request from the web %forms=&cgiparse(); if($forms{"BUILDINDEX"}){ &send_header("Site Index"); print &buildIndex(); &send_trailer(); return; } &send_header("Query Result"); print &performQuery($forms{KEYWORDS}); print "
"; &send_index(); &send_trailer(); return; } sub performQuery { local($query) = @_; # remove non-word characters $query = &html2text($query); $query =~ tr/\(\)a-zA-Z0-9\-\xc0-\xff/ /cs; $rawquery=$query; $query =~ tr/a-zA-Z0-9\-\xc0-\xff/ /cs; # remove leading and trailing whitespace $query =~ s/^\s*(.*\S)\s*/$1/; $pquery = $query; $context = $forms{CONTEXT}; if($context =~ m:\(([^)]*)\):) { $context=$1; }else{ $context=""; } $thesaurus = $forms{THESAURUS}; $substring = $forms{SUBSTRING}; $days = $forms{DAYS}; if(length($days)>0){ $pquery.=" -D $days"; } if(length($thesaurus)>0){ $pquery.=" -T"; } if(length($substring)>0){ $pquery.=" -S"; } if(length($context)>0){ $pquery.=" @ $context"; } # PJ: maybe optimize: if($#keywords>=0){ # compile the original query string into perl # and store name in $match $sub = 0; # get rid of warning ($match, $err, $sub)=&compilequery($rawquery); sub downbynumber {$b <=> $a;} local(@results) = sort downbynumber &getindex($pquery); # problems? return join("
",@errStack) if(@errStack); local($text,$hits); foreach $w (@results){ $text .= "
  • ".htmlForFile(split(/\n/,$w)); if (++$hits > $MAXHITS) { return "

    More than $MAXHITS hits. Use a more restrictive search

    "; } } return "no matches found." unless ($text); return "
    \n"; } # configure this to build the HTML text entry for each file sub htmlForFile { local($freq,$file,$title,$time,@hits)=split(/\n/,$w); local($url) = &translateback($file); if(length($title)==0){ $title = $file; $title =~ s|.*/(.*/.*)$|$1|g; } local($result) = " $title "; $result .= join("
    ","$time",@hits); $result; } # print the CGI script header sub send_header { local($title)=@_; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "\n", $title,"\n\n"; print $BODY? $BODY: ""; print "


    \n"; } sub send_trailer { print ""; } # display the Forms interface ## PJ sollte extern gesetzt werden koennen. Muss hier gesetzt ## werden, falls das Form auch in den Results wieder gezeigt ## werden soll, da dann der workaround mit externem form ## nicht klappt. sub send_index { local($scriptname) = $ENV{"SCRIPT_NAME"}; print "Use the form below to specify your search, or consult the "; print "site index"; print "
    \n"; print <<'END'; Find words:

    Tips: You can use "and" (default) and "or" with search terms.
    Write umlauts like Ä as Ae, ...

    - "cat and mouse" - or simply "cat mouse"
    - "(cat or mouse) and not dog" *
    - "cat or mouse"
       *) "not" operates only within the set of files containing
          at least one of "cat", "mouse" or "dog".

    Specify options:

    This searchable archive was implemented with the ICE search engine (boolean patch pj9711) END } # parse data from CGI request and store it as name/value pairs sub cgiparse { if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "POST") { read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); } else { $buffer = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; } local(@query_strings) = split("&", $buffer); foreach $q (@query_strings) { $q =~ s/\+/ /g; ($attr, $val) = split("=", $q); $val =~ s/%/\n%/g; local($tmpval); foreach (split("\n",$val)){ if(m:%(\w\w):){ local($binval) = hex($1); if(($binval>0)&&($binval<256)){ local($htmlval) = pack("C",$binval); s/%$1/$htmlval/; } } $tmpval .= $_; } $forms{$attr} = $tmpval; } %forms; } # parse query sub parsequery{ local($query)=@_; local($context,$thesaurus,$substr); # preprocess whitespace and discard spaces after @ and -D $query =~ tr/ \t/ /s; $query =~ s/@ /@/g; $query =~ s/-D /-D/g; $query =~ s/^-D/ -D/g; $_=$query; # "optional URL context as @-sign" if(m:^([^@]*)\s+@(.*)$:){ $context=$2; $_=$1; } while(m:\s+-[SDT]\d*$:){ # "turn on "global" thesaurus" by adding -T" if(m:^(.*)\s+-T$:){ $thesaurus="y"; # print "turn on thesaurus\n"; $_=$1; } # "turn on matching substrings by adding -S" if(m:^(.*)\s+-S$:){ $substr="y"; # print "turn on substring matching\n"; $_=$1; } # "turn on modified since n days" by adding -D" if(m:^(.*)\s+-D(\d+)$:){ $days=$2; # print "turn on modified since $days\n"; $_=$1; } } @list=split(/ /,$_); $expectword="y" unless($days && $#list==-1); foreach $w (@list){ $_ = $w; tr/A-Z/a-z/; if(/^and$/) { if($expectword) {$err="$w"; last;} $expectword="y"; $bool .= "&"; }elsif(/^or$/){ if($expectword) {$err="$w"; last;} $expectword="y"; $bool .= "+"; }else{ unless($expectword) { $bool .= "&"; } $expectword=""; push(@querystring,$w); } } if($expectword){ push(@errStack,"syntax error in query: must end with searchword!"); return; } if($err){ push(@errStack,"syntax error in query near '$err'!"); return; } return($context,$thesaurus,$substr,$bool,$days,@querystring); } # get index entries matching query sub getindex{ local($context,$thes,$substr,$bool,$days,@query) = &parsequery(@_); return if(@errStack); local(@list,$count,$item,$w,@wordnum,$grepexpr); local($limit,@allids,@keywords); if($days){ $limit=time()-(60*60*24*$days) unless($days==0); } foreach $item (@query){ ++$count; local($w); $_=$item; local($thesflag)=$thes; if (/{(.*)}/) { $_ = $1; $thesflag="y"; } # convert e.g. "Picture" to "picture" if(/^[A-Z][^A-Z]*$/){ tr/A-Z/a-z/; } # evaluate thesaurus if ($thesflag && length($thesfile)>0) { $wordnum{$_}=$count; local(@synonyms)=split(/\n/,&thesread($thesfile,$_)); foreach $w (@synonyms){ push (@keywords,$w); $wordnum{$w}=$count; } } if(length($_)<$MINLEN) { print "ignored: $_ (too short)
    \n"; push(@ignored,$count); }else{ $w=$_; push (@keywords,$w); $wordnum{$w}=$count; } } $grepexpr = join("|",@keywords); # trick for speedup: if no keywords, set grepexpr to "^--" $grepexpr = "^--" unless(@keywords > 0); local($pat); open(FP,"$indexfile") || die "cannot open indexfile $indexfile $!"; while(){ if(/^--/o){ # seperator last; # break loop } next unless (/$grepexpr/o); foreach $w (@keywords){ $pat = $substr ? '\S*'.$w.'\S*' : $w; if(/^($pat)\s+(.*)$/){ $word=$1; @files=split(/ /,$2); foreach (@files){ if(/(.*):(.*)/ || /(.)(.*)/){ $freq=$1; $fileid=$2; } if (length($word)>0) { if (hex($fileid) != 0) { $token=$wordnum{$w}; $entry=join("\n",$fileid,$token,$word,$freq); push(@allids,$fileid); push(@list,$entry); } elsif ($word eq $w) { $token=$wordnum{$w}; print "ignored: $word (stopword)
    \n"; push(@ignored,$token); } } } } } } # step 2: read path information $grepexpr = join("|",@allids); $grepexpr = '\S+' unless (@keywords>0); # match all if none given local($name,$fileid); while(){ if(m:^(\S*/\S*):){ # was: "m:^(/.*):" CN 9/98 $dir = $1; } if(/^($grepexpr)\s+(.*) \/(\S+)\s+(.*)$/o){ $fileid = $1; $name = "$dir/$2"; $modTime = $3; $title = $4; # special case: no keywords -> get all files matching $limit if(@keywords == 0 && $modTime>=$limit){ $entry = join("\n",$name,"","","",$title,$modTime); push(@list,$entry); next; # continue loop } # if file doesn't match $limit if($limit != 0 && $modTime<$limit){ # remove it from list @list = grep(!/^$fileid\n/,@list); } # else replace fileid in @list with real path else{ foreach(@list){ if(/^$fileid\n/){ s/^$fileid\n/$name\n/; # replace id with real path $_ .= "\n$title"; # append title $_ .= "\n$modTime"; # append mod. time } } } } } close(FP); if($context){ # translate virtual<->physical path local($phys)=&translate($context); # remove those paths that don't match context @list=grep(/$phys/,@list); } ## we now have a @list of index entries containing ## only those matching one of the search terms if($#keywords>=0){ # if keywords given evaluate expression @list=sort(@list); # PJ - change @list to collect word aggregates... # &evaluateexpr($bool,@list); #return # PJ - new query code: extract something usable # from list and call the sub for our query # - this code replaces evaluateexpr, all # lower subs and all refs to $bool # PJ - todo: improve efficiency by moving stuff into # the environment (arg passing) @out=(); $w=""; # loop over all entries in list foreach $i (0 .. $#list+1){ # sic! ($path,$token,$word,$freq,$title,$modTime)= split(/\n/,$list[$i]) if($i <= $#list); ($lastpath,$lasttitle,$lasttime)=($path,$title,modTime) if (0==$i); if(($lastpath ne $path) || ($i==$#list+1)) { $hits=""; ($score,%hits)=&{$match}($w); foreach (sort keys %hits) { $hits.="$_: $hits{$_}\n"; } push (@out,join("\n",$score,$lastpath,$lasttitle,&timetostr($lasttime),$hits)) if $score; $w=""; } $w.="$word:$freq,"; $lastpath=$path; $lasttitle=$title; $lasttime=$modTime; } @list=@out; }else{ # else just reorder foreach $w (@list){ ($path,$token,$word,$freq,$title,$time)=split(/\n/,$w); $w=join("\n","1",$path,$title,&timetostr($time)); } @list; } } # make list of all tokens in indexfile sub buildIndex { local($scriptname) = $ENV{"SCRIPT_NAME"}; local(@list,$token,$rest,$prefix, $lastprefix,$result,$count); open(FP,"$indexfile") || die "$!"; while(){ if(/^--/o){ # seperator last; # break loop } ($token,@rest)=split(' '); next if $token =~ /[A-Z]/; ($prefix = $token) =~ s/^(.).*/$1/; $prefix =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; $count = scalar(@rest); # Following Jan Kalin's proposal, exclude stop listed words: next if $count == 1 and $rest[0] eq "0"; if($prefix ne $lastprefix){ $result .= "

    " ; push(@allPrefixes,$prefix); } $result .= "$token $count
    "; $lastprefix = $prefix; } local($linkList); foreach(@allPrefixes){ $linkList .= "$_ "; } "$linkList

    $result"; } # evaulate a thesaurus file for a given term sub thesread { local($thesfile,$word)=@_; local($last,$result,$line)=""; local($allowed)="EQ|AB|UF"; unless (open(fpInput,$thesfile)) { push(@errStack,"Cannot open thesaurus file $thesfile\n"); return undef; } while(){ $line++; if (m:^(\S+)\s+$:) { $last=$1; }elsif((m:^\s+($allowed)\s+(\S+):)&&($last eq $word)) { $result .= "$2\n"; } } close(fpInput); $result; } # translate URL to physical sub translate { local($url)=@_; local($aliasdone); local($_)=$url; s|/+$||; # strip off a trailing "/" foreach $key (keys(%aliases)){ if( /^$key/ ){ s/^$key/$aliases{$key}/; $aliasdone="y"; #print "replacing $key with $aliases{$key}\n"; } } if(!$aliasdone && $docroot){ $_ = $docroot.$_; } return $_; } # translate physical to URL sub translateback { local($url)=@_; local($aliasdone); local($_)=$url; s/(.*)\/$/$1/; # strip off a trailing "/" foreach $key (keys(%aliases)){ if(/^$aliases{$key}/){ s/^$aliases{$key}/$key/; $aliasdone="y"; # print "replacing $aliases{$key} with $key\n"; } } if(!$aliasdone && $docroot){ s/$docroot//; } return $_; } # convert time to string sub timetostr{ local($time)=@_; local(@timeEntries)=localtime($time); local($mday) = $timeEntries[3]; local($mon) = $timeEntries[4]; # small y2k glitch: // local($year) = $timeEntries[5]; local($year) = $timeEntries[5] + 1900; local($wday) = $timeEntries[6]; local($weekday)=(Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat)[$wday]; local($month)=(Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec)[$mon]; local($result)="$weekday $mday $month $year"; $result; } # iso2html - translate iso 8 bit characters to HTML # # Thanks to # Pierre Cormier (cormier.pierre@uqam.ca) # Universite du Quebec Montreal sub initTables { foreach (0..191) { $isohtml[$_] = pack("C",$_);} $isohtml[hex('c0')] = 'À'; $isohtml[hex('c1')] = 'Á'; $isohtml[hex('c2')] = 'Â'; $isohtml[hex('c3')] = 'Ã'; $isohtml[hex('c4')] = 'Ä'; $isohtml[hex('c5')] = 'Å'; $isohtml[hex('c6')] = 'Æ'; $isohtml[hex('c7')] = 'Ç'; $isohtml[hex('c8')] = 'È'; $isohtml[hex('c9')] = 'É'; $isohtml[hex('ca')] = 'Ê'; $isohtml[hex('cb')] = 'Ë'; $isohtml[hex('cc')] = 'Ì'; $isohtml[hex('cd')] = 'Í'; $isohtml[hex('ce')] = 'Î'; $isohtml[hex('cf')] = 'Ï'; $isohtml[hex('d0')] = 'Ð'; $isohtml[hex('d1')] = 'Ñ'; $isohtml[hex('d2')] = 'Ò'; $isohtml[hex('d3')] = 'Ó'; $isohtml[hex('d4')] = 'Ô'; $isohtml[hex('d5')] = 'Õ'; $isohtml[hex('d6')] = 'Ö'; $isohtml[hex('d7')] = '×'; $isohtml[hex('d8')] = 'Ø'; $isohtml[hex('d9')] = 'Ù'; $isohtml[hex('da')] = 'Ú'; $isohtml[hex('db')] = 'Û'; $isohtml[hex('dc')] = 'Ü'; $isohtml[hex('dd')] = 'Ý'; $isohtml[hex('de')] = 'Þ'; $isohtml[hex('df')] = 'ß'; $isohtml[hex('e0')] = 'à'; $isohtml[hex('e1')] = 'á'; $isohtml[hex('e2')] = 'â'; $isohtml[hex('e3')] = 'ã'; $isohtml[hex('e4')] = 'ä'; $isohtml[hex('e5')] = 'å'; $isohtml[hex('e6')] = 'æ'; $isohtml[hex('e7')] = 'ç'; $isohtml[hex('e8')] = 'è'; $isohtml[hex('e9')] = 'é'; $isohtml[hex('ea')] = 'ê'; $isohtml[hex('eb')] = 'ë'; $isohtml[hex('ec')] = 'ì'; $isohtml[hex('ed')] = 'í'; $isohtml[hex('ee')] = 'î'; $isohtml[hex('ef')] = 'ï'; $isohtml[hex('f0')] = 'ð'; $isohtml[hex('f1')] = 'ñ'; $isohtml[hex('f2')] = 'ò'; $isohtml[hex('f3')] = 'ó'; $isohtml[hex('f4')] = 'ô'; $isohtml[hex('f5')] = 'õ'; $isohtml[hex('f6')] = 'ö'; $isohtml[hex('f7')] = '&DIVIS;'; $isohtml[hex('f8')] = 'ø'; $isohtml[hex('f9')] = 'ù'; $isohtml[hex('fa')] = 'ú'; $isohtml[hex('fb')] = 'û'; $isohtml[hex('fc')] = 'ü'; $isohtml[hex('fd')] = 'ý'; $isohtml[hex('fe')] = 'þ'; $isohtml[hex('ff')] = 'ÿ'; # preset iso2text variable settings foreach (0..191) { $iso2text[$_] = pack("C",$_);} foreach (hex('c0')..hex('ff')) { $iso2text[$_] = substr($isohtml[$_],1,1); } # now assign exceptions: $iso2text[hex('c4')] = 'Ae'; $iso2text[hex('c6')] = 'AE'; $iso2text[hex('d0')] = 'ETH'; # ??? $iso2text[hex('d6')] = 'Oe'; $iso2text[hex('d7')] = 'x'; $iso2text[hex('dc')] = 'Ue'; $iso2text[hex('de')] = 'Th'; # thorn ??? $iso2text[hex('df')] = 'sz'; $iso2text[hex('e4')] = 'ae'; $iso2text[hex('e6')] = 'ae'; $iso2text[hex('f7')] = 'D'; # Divis? $iso2text[hex('fc')] = 'ue'; $iso2text[hex('fe')] = 'th'; # thorn # set html2iso variable foreach (1..255) { $html2iso{$isohtml[$_]}=pack("C",$_);; } } sub iso2html { local($input)=@_; unless(defined($isohtml[0])){ &initTables; } local(@car) = split(//,$input); local($output); foreach (@car) { $output .= $isohtml[ord($_)]; } $output; } sub iso2text { local($input)=@_; unless(defined($isohtml[0])){ &initTables; } local(@car) = split(//,$input); local($output); foreach (@car) { $output .= $iso2text[ord($_)]; } $output; } sub html2iso { local($input)=@_; unless(defined($isohtml[0])){ &initTables; } local(@car) = split(/;/,$input); local($output); foreach (@car) { if(/(.*)&(.*)/){ $output .= $1; $output .= $html2iso{"&$2;"}; }else{ $output .= $_; } } $output; } sub html2text { return &iso2text(&html2iso(@_)); } sub encodehtml{ # encode special chars into html entities # note that ÿ seems legal now, too local($_)=@_; # < > & " ' s/([\x3c\x3e\x26\x22\x27])/"&#".ord($1).";"/geo; $_ } sub encodeurl { # encode non-standard chars for urls local($_)=@_; s/([^_\+\-A-Za-z0-9\/\.])/"%".unpack(H2,$1)/geo; $_ } sub compilequery { # given a boolean query string, return a corresponding sub # in: querystring # env: substring # out: name, errors, subroutine string (not required) # side: subroutine returning (score,@matchstrings) # Bug: - if using op="or", "not" only makes sense as "and not" or worse # as "(...) and not". For the time being, better assume implicit "and". local($_)=@_; ### CN 5/98 bug fix: ${$} will be negative on (some?) windows systems ### my($name)="query${$}_".time; # generated name of sub my($name)="query_".time; # generated name of sub my($need_op,$op,$no_score)=(0,"and",0); # default operator for "word word" my($tmp,$scoring)=("",""); my($sub)=""; s/\n/ /go; # translate query to perl; use $op for missing, but required operator loop: while($_) { # whitespace s@^\s+@@o and $sub.=" " and next loop; # parantheses s@^(\()@@o and do { $sub.=" $op " if $need_op; $need_op=0; $sub.=" $1 "; } and next loop; s@^(\))@@o and do { $need_op=1; $sub.=" $1 "; } and next loop; # and/2, or/2 (infix) s@^(and|or)\b@@o and do { # careful with score computing - or short circuits $sub.=" $1 "; $need_op=0; 1 } and next loop; # not/1 (prefix) s@^(not)\b@@o and do { $sub.=" $op " if $need_op; $need_op=0; $sub.=" not "; } and next loop; # good word s@^([a-z0-9]+)\b@@oi and do { $sub.=" $op " if $need_op; $tmp=""; $tmp ='\b' if not $substring; $tmp.=$1; $tmp.='\b' if not $substring; $scoring.="while(/(\\w*$tmp\\w*):(\\d+)/iog){\$fw{\$1}+=\$2};\n "; # for now simply add everything $sub.="/$tmp/io "; $need_op=1; } and next loop; # someone hacking us??? s@^(.*?)\s+@@o and do { push (@errstack, "ice2: Questionable query substring: $1 - skipping\n") } and next loop; push (@errstack, "ice2: This cannot happen: query remnant: $_\n"); $_=""; } # we could/should return a reference to a sub, but for ease # of downgrading to perl4, we use the oldfashioned eval way $sub.=") and do {foreach(sort keys \%fw){\$rc+=\$fw{\$_}}};\n return(\$rc,\%fw)\n}\n"; $sub ="sub $name {\n local(\$_)=\@_;\n my(\$rc)=0;\n my(\%fw)=();\n # compute total score\n $scoring# compute expression\n (0, $sub;\n "; # eval ($sub) if $name; # everything ok? if ($@ or not $name) { $name=""; # $name="compilequery_failed"; push(@errStack, "ice2: Query compilation failed\n"); } return($name,$@,$sub); } sub compilequery_failed { print main::STDERR "ice2: Query compilation failed\n"; }