Natural News
May 17, 2016
Mike Adams
So this guy walks into an OB/GYN clinic and demands a gynecological exam. The doctor, a woman, takes one look at him and says, "That won't work. You're a man." The man, however, "self-identifies" as a woman and blasts the doctor for being a bigot. "I self-identify as a woman," he says. "And I demand to be treated as a woman or I'll call my civil rights lawyer."
The doctor, not wanting to be called a bigot, proceeds to give the man a fake gynecological exam, playing into his delusional distortions about his own biology and arguably worsening his mental disconnect with his physical self.
This is what transgenderism and "biological subjectivism" has come to in America today... a politically correct demand,
that everyone agree to participate in the mental distortions of a few individuals who suffer from a psychological
disconnect from their biological realities. Such ideologies stand in complete contradiction to the known science
on biology and physical reality and sadly, this mental distortion is now being thrust onto children as part of a sick,
demented political agenda to appease the most lunatic fringe elements of the political spectrum.
That agenda now demands, that public schools be turned into transgender child factories, churning out confused,
suicidal children, who are physically and chemically mutilated by a society, that applauds them for denying their
biological reality. This entire agenda, now being waged against the children of America by politically motivated
cultural arsonists, is nothing less, than a crime against children.
The science is clear: The biology of gender is a physical reality, that's not subject to "impersonation".
"Human sexuality is an objective biological binary trait," explains the
American College of Pediatricians. "The American College of Pediatricians urges educators and legislators to reject
all policies, that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite
sex. Facts — not ideology — determine reality."
When President Obama orders schools across America to normalize transgender confusion in children, he worsens
that confusion in the minds of children, who are still grappling with their biologically driven gender identity. "A
person's belief, that he or she is something, they are not, is at best a sign of confused thinking," explains the ACP.
"When an otherwise healthy biological boy believes, he is a girl or an otherwise healthy biological girl believes, she
is a boy, an objective psychological problem exists, that lies in the mind, not the body and it should be treated as
such. These children suffer from gender dysphoria."
Although liberal ideology can pretend, that transgenderism is a "third sex", this is fairy tale thinking.
There is no third sex. And a man pretending to be a woman does not make that person a woman. Hence,
"biological subjectivism" is delusional thinking. Yet it is a delusion, that is being thrust upon the entire
population via shaming tactics of political correctness.
Alarmingly, this politically motivated transgender agenda has now invaded our schools, where vulnerable children
will be easily swept into the confusing, abusive world of chemical castrations and genital mutilation surgery,
while being applauded by obedient conformists for having the "courage" to deny their biological existence.
And so we now live in a nation, where child-abusing parents, who need to be locked away in mental institutions, are
turning their children into gender-confused basket cases, who may also end up needing psychiatric intervention. This
is how the cycle perpetuates and the political powers in Washington are encouraging this cycle of mental illness,
child mutilation and horrible suffering among children, who are now being shoved toward transgenderism, because it
appeases the perverse political appetites of mentally ill adults.
Transgender advocacy called "child abuse" by the American College of Pediatricians
From the ACP:
"Conditioning children into believing, that a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex
is normal and healthful is child abuse. Endorsing gender discordance as normal via public education and legal
policies will confuse children and parents, leading more children to present to "gender clinics", where they
will be given puberty-blocking drugs. This in turn virtually ensures, that they will "choose" a lifetime of
carcinogenic and otherwise toxic cross-sex hormones and likely consider unnecessary surgical mutilation
of their healthy body parts as young adults."
Keep in mind, that encouraging children to pursue transgender ideologies eventually leads to chemical
castration and/or genital mutilation via surgery!
Gender confusion may be common in children, but nearly all of them eventually grow out of the confusion and
come to accept the biology, they were born with. "According to the DSM-V, as many as 98% of gender-confused boys and
88% of gender-confused girls eventually accept their biological sex, after naturally passing through puberty," explains
the ACP.
Yet when society coddles gender-confused children and encourages them to change their biological sex through chemical
castration and surgical mutilation, it deprives such children the opportunity to explore, learn and grow beyond their
early confusion. To declare a child to be a "transgender" in need of chemical and surgical mutilation is a
crime against children.
As the ACP explains: "Never has it been more scientifically clear, that children and adolescents are incapable of
making informed decisions regarding permanent, irreversible and life-altering medical interventions. For this reason
the College maintains, it is abusive to promote this ideology, first and foremost for the well-being of the
gender-dysphoric children themselves and secondly for all of their non-gender-discordant peers, many of
whom will subsequently question their own gender identity and face violations of their right to bodily privacy
and safety."
It's time to stop the transgender programming of children in our society!
Transgenderism, says the ACP, is "child abuse" and a kind of mental illness. Its very ideology exists in contradiction
to physical and biological reality, where chromosomes determine biological sex and nearly all children eventually
learn to accept the reality of their physical bodies, even if they are temporarily confused.
The transgender programming of children is a politically motivated agenda to cause an acceleration in
gender confusion and distorted gender identities among the population. It is rooted in a fundamental
mass mental illness of a delusional society, where "reality" is now played out via political memes
and social media shaming rather, than biological reality or even the real world of nature all around us.
When it comes to physical biology, the answer is clear: Sex is binary. You are either born with male biology,
or female biology. There are extremely rare cases of hermaphroditic genetic expression, but this is not a "third sex".
It is a genetic and/or formative disorder.
Mother Nature intends for all humans to be born as either male, or female. It is self-evident in the genetic code,
the biochemistry and the reproduction of the species. To teach a child, that he or she exists in contradiction to the
biology, they were born with, is a violation of nature and a form of mental abuse against those children.
Children need to be connected to their bodies and learn to accept and honor the "hardware", they were born with.
To teach a child, that they are disconnected from their biological self, is to invite and encourage runaway shame,
peer ridicule and torturous mental illness in that child, which is one reason, why suicide rates are so
alarmingly high among those, who pursue a transgender lifestyle.
Thanks, Obama, for not just screwing up our entire economy, our justice system, our community policing, our foreign
policy and our border control. Now you're screwing with the mental health of our children, too! Got any more destruction
planned, before you leave office?