Ernie and Bert Movies
Ernie and Bert Make
Shapes, 3 min.
Gift of the Magi
10 min.
Ernie Is Loud, While
Bert Reads, 4 min.
Fish Call
3 min.
Chocolate Ice Cream
(with Oscar), 4 min.
Ernie's Barber
Shop, 3 min.
Ermie and Bert in
a Pyramid, 5 min.
Surprise Pre-
sent, 3 min.
Ernie Learns to Stop
and Think, 5 min.
Banana Phone
1 min.
A Banana in Ernie's
Ear, 2 min.
Water Sports
3 min.
Ernie's "Guess, What I'm
Thinking of" Game, 3 min.
Bert Gets Angry
3 min.
Doctor Ernie
3 min.
Rubber Ducky
Song, 3 min.
Bert's Big Sneeze
(1969), 3 min.
Pizza and Grape
Juice, 3 min.
Invisible Ice Cream
Cone (Lefty), 4 min.
The Other
Shoe, 3 min.