The Costco Connection
March 2008
Page 13: Ask Suze Orman
I am married, own my own house and have two children (6 and 5 years old). I want to invest for
my kids' education and for their future. What do you suggest?
- Mike Bali, Sacramento, California
The best way to take care of your kids is to make sure, you first take care of yourself. By that
I mean, you and your wife must make saving for retirement your first priority. That is not selfish.
It is smart and loving. If you put all of your funds into your kids' educations and that leaves
you short of money in retirement, here's what is going to happen: You will need to lean on your
grown kids for financial support. I don't think, that's the future you really want for them, right?
After you get your retirement saving all set, if you still have money available to invest, you
should look into 529 savings plans. These are the single best way to save for college costs.
You can learn more at the website www.savingforcollege.com.
See? It's NOT selfish for a parent (and future/would-be parent) to think of himself first, yet
most women accuse men of being selfish just for wanting to be happy first in life, get established first,
achieve their own goals first, BEFORE making children or even when having children already! What women
don't understand is that whoever is born first (we) on this Earth, has the right to become happy on this
Earth first and NOT the child, because he was born later, than us parents. Just like in a bread line,
don't cut in front of others!
But by calling us selfish, women force men to give up their own goals, their own personality and
own happiness, because from now on they have to live and sacrifice for the child, otherwise they're
labeled selfish and are said to be something wrong with them for daring to think about
themselves. This is such a disgusting gender-based exploitation, especially considering that
women force making children upon so many men by the blackmail tool that otherwise they'll leave them!