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Warner Bros. jumped into the animated feature competition by playing it
safe, giving the Arthurian legend a conspicuously Disneyesque facelift. It's the
tale of a girl named Kayley (Jessalyn Gilsig), whose father, a Knight of the Round
Table, is killed by Sir Ruber (Gary Oldman), a maniacal brute, who steals Excalibur
and threatens to seize King Arthur's Camelot. Kayley enlists the blind, reclusive
knight-aspirant Garrett (Cary Elwes) to brave the Enchanted Forest, retrieve the
magic sword and their adventure is, of course, fraught with danger. Adding extra
punch to the movie's appeal, the songs are performed by LeeAnn Rimes
and Celine Dion. And if that's not enough to hold a kid's attention, there's a
two-headed dragon voiced by Eric Idle and Don Rickles. Cleverly harmless riffs
spice it up with enjoyable pop culture references.