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Clint Eastwood's 1992 masterpiece stands as the most
thematically compelling westerns ever made. He stars as a retired, once ruthless
killer, who accepts one last bounty hunter mission: to find the men, who brutalized
a prostitute to help support his motherless children. He takes on a corrupt sheriff
(Oscar winner Gene Hackman) in a showdown that makes the viewer feel the full impact
of violence and its corruption of the soul. This movie really blows off the westerns
of old. There is no good guy in the white hat. Most men and women are scoundrels or
people of ill repute. However, the general theme of reality is, what Eastwood wants
to convey. Things aren't, what they seem and this anti-western shrugs off the myths
of the Old West. It's inarguably Eastwood's crowning directorial achievement.