5 maja 2017
Magdalena Żuk went to Egypt for holidays. She decided to go alone, because her boyfriend's passport
has expired. She bought holidays for both as a birthday gift for her boyfriend.
It looks like just few hours after arriving she was given some sort of a drug and then she was taken
to her hotel and was raped by locals, among whom was probably hotel service and employee of Rainbow
Tours (holiday operator company from Poland — the one, she bought holidays from).
She was seen in a very bad condition in her hotel, laying on the floor and half conscious. Ukrainian
woman from hotel service said, she was most likely raped, as she saw Magdalena firsthand.
Hotel service called Egyptian police and together with employee of Rainbow Tours they took Magdalena
to the hospital. However, the hospital refused to take care of her, as they don't deal with "psychical
During that time Magdalena's family was contacted and after some back and forth they decided to send
her back to Poland. They took her to airport. However, airlines refused to take her on board saying,
that she might need special care during the flight.
At this point control over her was taken by Egyptian police. She was driven from one hotel to another
without possibility to use her mobile phone. The only communication, that was possible, was through
mobile phone owned by Rainbow Tours employee Mahmoud Khairy (yes, he is from "there").
Mahmoud Khairy was using SMS to send pictures of Magdalena laying on hotel room floors, but that was
the only communication, he did with her friends (no words).
After a couple of hours, using Mahmoud Khairy's mobile phone, she called her boyfriend (video call).
She was in a very bad shape (see video - her boyfriend speak to her) and definitely too scared to
explain, what has happened. It looks like she couldn't speak because of fear. But she said some
important words, that somehow explaining her situation:
"This is all for nothing", "I can't speak", "I won't come back", "I'm sorry", "Please, take me from here!",
"They have their tricks here".
After that call she was taken to another hospital in Hurghada, where she was "taken care of". Official
statement is, that she jumped out of the hospital window. Magdalena died.
Rainbow Tours tour operator officially says, that Magdalena had mental problems. The same comes from
Egyptian police and hotel representatives. Polish embassy in Egypt did nothing and didn't give any
meaningful official statement.
As it turned out, Magdalena is just one of many victims, that were raped or abused in Egypt (read more
in Internet). The most horrible part, however, is, that Egyptian police, hotel owners, Polish tour
operator and even Polish gov are holding the same view, that is, they insisting on Magdalena's mental
illness. Simply they want to force this version of events, because it's the only one, that will give
them peace of mind.
As we know, Egypt makes money thanks to tourists. If not tourism, Egypt would be a dead duck. So they
take a lot of care to cover up any possible events, that could cause them bad PR. They are going as far,
as monitoring their hotel guests' social media profiles, looking for any bad PR, that might come up in
comments and pictures. They did this to one Pole after terrorist attacks in one of Egyptian hotels. He
posted on his FB profile message saying, that he is worried about lack of safety in his Hotel. He made
some pictures also. How did he and up? Well, he was taken to jail for 36 hours without food and water,
in one cage with those bastards. Also, he was told, that he is a bigger threat to Egypt, than regular
terrorists, because by his actions (posting on FB) he is destroying Egypt.
Polish gov is now starting investigation, but I'm 99% sure, it will settle up on Magdalena's mental
I know, she was stupid going there alone and even more stupid was her boyfriend. But still, she was just
a white girl and quite pretty and she was used and killed by goat (expletive deleted). And all of this
with agreement of Egyptian services and even Polish gov. Business is business, right?
Anyway, don't go to Egypt! Let those (expletive deleted) die in there! Want holidays? Go to Hungary,
Chech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, hell, even to Poland!