Justice 4 Poland
March 20, 2016
Autor: HKW
A German businessman, Hans Gielen, the owner of the Hans Gielen firm, was recently recorded live ranting malicious views relating to his Polish employees and the Polish nation in general. Below is the best example of hate speech ever recorded.
Hans Gielen, another psychopath
Gielen’s company, POS SYSTEM SP. Z.O.O, is located i the Pomeranian region of Poland, employing many Poles. His overall thoughts about Poles: “Shit and idiots. Poles are sub-humans and should serve Germany as slaves “. He adds it would make him feel good to shoot Poles and that he would like to exterminate them all. Gielen shouted proudly – “ I am a Nazi”.
Well, why doesn’t he move his business back to Germany and employ the newly arrived migrants then?
The audio is mostly in German.
Video unavailable
What makes the case more appalling, is the fact, that the business. which is located in the town of Kossowo, is only 30 kilometres away from Piasnicki Forest, where in 1939 up to 15,000 Poles were executed by German Nazis, including the head of a local school and a priest. It was the first WW2 mass execution carried out by the Germans on Polish citizens.
It is absolutely horrific to listen to this tirade and scary to know, that people of his calibre are still out there. The world needs to be made aware of it, before Poland is invaded and colonised once again.
This speaks for itself and says a lot about the German attitude towards Poland and the true nature of German character.
I wonder…, what words would he utter, should he be placed by the Poles against the wall for an execution? I’m pretty sure, he would say: ”No, no, no, no! Please, don’t shoot! I was wrong. I love you all!!!“
If there is one fascist not afraid to speak his mind aloud, one can only imagine, how many more Germans can be influenced by him in the same manner, as Hitler managed to "hypnotize” almost the entire nation of Germany. Is history about to repeat itself? Should we allow it?!!!
The Polish woman by the name of Natalie, who released this evidence of hatred, was subjected to interrogations and invigilation for warning Poles against this scum.
However, the Polish Minister of Justice, Zbigniew Ziobro, has commissioned the Prosecutor's Office in Gdańsk to look into this case.
Natalia Nitek-Płażyńska, the
brave Polish whistleblower
Hans Gielen also stated, that he hates her patriotism.
Will he ever be made responsible for the display of such vulgar racism?!
tri vium
March 24, 2016
There is absolutely nothing new about the German attitude to Polish People. Whilst researching on the web I come across many German articles that express hatred for all things Polish. Some of it is weird if not insane. Some of it goes on for kilometers and it is obvious that the Germans are Deeply disturbed by Polish People. They go on about Eastern German lands and conveniently forget about the 1st Partition. Yet, at the same time, show that they can’t control the invasion of their Pure Teutonic Fatherland. Apparently Merkel is Polish. But, no probs. she’s also a Jew.They are bullies and thus, cowards.
The Germans seem very much like Jews, which might explain the attraction.
I would like to post this article on some West Euro Nationalist sites. These claim to be 100% pure Nordic, only. At the same time they see Eastern Europe as a haven of The WHITE DNA. Yet, at the same time E Europe is not PURE. Yet, at the same time they lean on E Europeans for support. Yet, at the same time the Germans and Jews like Gross, stab Poland in the back. It is all so laughable and also sad.
The Germans have a weakness which Poland can use against them. Send them completely out of their minds. But, they are, already.
March 26, 2016
Hallo, ich bin Deutscher. Ich distanziere mich von den Worten und der Einstellung von Hans Gielen, und entschuldige mich dafür. Diesem verblendeten Narren gehört die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft entzogen. Für solche Aggressoren ist kein Platz in europäischen Ländern.
Ich bitte die Polnische Regierung entsprechende Strafen einzuleiten. Ich respektiere das polnische Volk und die aktuelle gelebte Demokratie. Unsere Regierung ist leider zu schwach, um derartiges zu ahnden.
March 27, 2016
Danke Herr für Ihre freundlichen Worte
Martin Bott
February 12, 2019
Dann laßt uns mal darüber reden, was der Merkel-Faschismus mit den deutschen Oppositionellen macht!
Das ist noch viel schlimmer, als das, was man im Ausland über den deutschen Imperialismus mitbekommt.
March 26, 2016
Gielen, please come back to Poland or we will come to you to