December 19, 2016
Photo: TVP Info (screen)
Few people know that EmiTel - the company responsible on the territory of Poland for the transmission of radio and television signals - was sold to the French in 2000 in one package with TP SA. It was entered in the register of companies of strategic importance (ie., The Polish government could block decisions of the French) until March 18, 2010. Then the Platform (Platforma Obywatelska = PO = the leftist opposition party) passed a law regulating the new list of strategic companies, on which EmiTel was not listed. Lech Kaczynski was going veto it. But he didn't make it. Two days after Smolensk (= the plane crash in Smolensk) Bronisław Komorowski signed the bill.
EmiTel's removal from the list of strategic companies was of as much importance, that the French got the "green light" on its sale to other entities. It didn't take long, until on 25 March 2011 the Frech-controlled TP SA signed a contract on the sale of gthe EmiTel company for 1.725 billion zł to an entity controlled by the Montagu Private Equity fund. In December 2013 all shares in the EmiTel company from Montagu Private Equity were acquired by an American company investing in infrastructure, Alinda Capital Partners LLC.
On Saturday and Sunday disruptions occurred in different parts of Poland in the reception of the signals of TVP1, TVP2 and TVP Info, for the proper transmission of which the EmiTel company is responsible. Said company admitted, that there had been "several minutes of short disruptions in proper broadcasts due to synchronization errors". The problem is, that for many receivers the signal disappeared right at the time of Prime Minister Beata Szydło's address. The matter is to be handled by the National Council of Radio and Television, which will turn to the EmiTel company demanding detailed explanations.
Source: Ustawy podpisane przez Marszałka Sejmu Bronisława Komorowskiego wykonującego obowiązki Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (
Source: KRRiT sprawdzi zamieszanie z sygnałem TVP (
Source: Prof. Jerzy Urbanowicz: Demontaż bezpieczeństwa państwa (