Theo, wir fahr'n nach Lodz
ZDF German TV:
Disco, 8. Juni 1974
RBB German
Damals war's
Starparade, Saar-
brücken, 16. Mai 1974
Vicky Leandros
Vicky Leandros
at the CSD 2008
Vicky Leandros
in Lübeck, 2011
Henry, Let's Go
to Town! (US)
Danny, Teach Me
to Dance! (UK)
Théo, on va
au bal!
Théo, on va
au bal! (1 pic)
Theo, wir fahr'n nach Lodz!
Theo, wir fahr'n nach Lodz!
Steh auf, du faules Murmeltier,
Bevor ich die Geduld verlier'!
Theo, wir fahr'n nach Lodz.
Theo, wir fahr'n nach Lodz!
Theo, wir fahr'n nach Lodz!
Ich habe diese Landluft satt,
Will endlich wieder in die Stadt.
Theo, wir fahr'n nach Lodz.
Gott verlaß'nes Dorf, nur Heu und Dorf.
Stets der gleiche Trott, nur Hü und Hott.
Im Stall die Kuh macht muh,
Die Hähne krähen dazu.
Das hält keiner aus,
Ich will hier 'raus!
Theo, wir fahr'n nach Lodz!
Theo, wir fahr'n nach Lodz!
Da fassen wir das Glück beim Schopf
Und hauen alles auf den Kopf.
Theo, wir fahr'n nach Lodz.
Dies' verdammte Nest gibt mir den Rest:
Ich fühl mich zu jung für Mist und Dung,
Ich brauch' Musik und Tanz und etwas Eleganz.
Gib dir einen Stoß und dann geht's los!
Theo, wir fahr'n nach Lodz!
Theo, wir fahr'n nach Lodz!
Da feiern wir ein großes Fest,
Das uns die Welt vergessen läßt.
Theo, wir fahr'n nach Lodz.
Da kann ich leben, da bin ich frei
Und auch die Liebe ist mit dabei.
Theo, wir fahr'n nach Lodz!
Theo, wir fahr'n nach Lodz!
Komm mit, die Pferde warten schon!
Steig ein und sei mein Postillion!
Theo, wir fahr'n nach Lodz!
Théo, on va au bal!
Théo, on va au bal!
Henry, let's go to town!
Henry, let's go to town!
Get up, you lazy country boy!
You're off to spend a day of joy.
Henry, let's go to town!
Henry, let's go to town!
Henry, let's go to town!
The city has a lot more charm,
Than you could/can find around a farm.
Henry, let's go to town!
Gotta get away from soil and hay.
No more pigs and pens, ...
Don't want ... plough of milk another cow.
All the work is done:
It's time for fun.
Henry, let's go to town!
Henry, let's go to town!
We're off to make ... every trip.
Henry, let's go to town!
Fertilizer air is everywhere,
I prefer a room with fresh perfume.
Give me a classy boat and music ...
I can hardly wait,
So don't be late!
Henry, let's go to town!
Henry, let's go to town!
We'll celebrate a healthy feast
To last us for a year at least.
Henry, let's go to town!
This ... of livin'
Will set us free
... you feelin'
for you and me.
Henry, let's go to town!
Henry, let's go to town!
You better bring the horses here,
Before ...
Henry, let's go to town!
Danny, teach me to dance!
Danny, teach me to dance!
I'll move around and you will see,
I'm not the child, I used to be.
Danny, teach me to dance!
Danny, teach me to sway!
We'll dance the night away
And maybe you will realize,
I'm growing up before your eyes.
Danny, teach me to sway!
So in love with you,
When I was two.
So in love again,
When you were ten.
I still adore you so,
Why can't I let you know?
Maybe as we dance,
I'll take that chance.
Danny, teach me to dance!
Give me a second glance!
You may find out, before we're through,
You feel the same way, as I do.
Danny, teach me to dance!
I wish, that I could say
The way, I feel.
You in every way
Are my ideal.
But I'm too shy to say,
I long for you each day.
Danny, can't you see
The love in me?
Danny, teach me to dance! (2x)
I'll move around...
As the musicians
Begin to play,
My inhibitions
May fade away.
Danny, teach me to dance!
Give me...