1. There Amis a Chouse in DNew Or-Fleans, They Amcall the CRising ESunAnd it's Ambeen the Cruin of Dmany a po' Fgirl, And Amme, Oh EGod, I'm Amone.C...D...F...C...E
2. My Ammother Cwas a Dtailor F, She Amsewed my Cnew blue EjeansMy Amsweetheart Cwas a Dgambler Flord, Amdown in ENew AmOrleans.. . .
3. Now the Amonly Cthing a Dgambler Fneeds, Is a Amsuitcase Cand a EtrunkAnd the Amonly Ctime he's Dsatis-Ffied, Is Amwhen he's Eon a Amdrunk.. . .
4. He Amfills his Cglass up Dto the Fbrim, And he'll Ampass the Ccards a-EroundAnd the Amonly Cpleasure he Dgets outa Flife, Is Amramblin' from Etown to Amtown.. . .
5. Go Amtell my Cbaby Dsister F, Not to Amdo what CI have EdoneBut to Amshun that Chouse in DNew Or-Fleans, They Amcall the ERising AmSun.. . .
6. Well, it's Amone foot Con the Dplatform, F... and the Amother foot Con the EtrainI'm Amgoin' Cback to DNew Or-Fleans, to Amwear that Eball and Amchain.. . .
7. Well, I'm Amgoin' Cback to DNew Or-Fleans, my Amrace is Calmost ErunI'm Amgoin' Cback to Dend my Flife, down Amin the ERising AmSun.. . .
8. There Amis a Chouse in DNew Or-Fleans, they Amcall the CRising ESunAnd it's Ambeen the Cruin of Dmany a po' Fgirl, and Amme, Oh EGod, I'm Amone.