Natural News
August 5, 2020
Lance D. Johnson

AstraZeneca is one of twenty-five pharmaceutical companies, that are entering into liability-free vaccine contracts
with governments around the world. These corrupt contracts
give the vaccine maker legal immunity, when their vaccines harm people, giving pharmaceutical companies power over the courts. The rule of law is officially dead, as millions of victims line up to be injected by experimental inoculations, where there will be no legal recourse for any vaccine side effect, reaction, disability, injury or death.
Ruud Dobber, a senior AstraZeneca executive, told Reuters: “In the contracts, we have in place, we are asking for indemnification. For most countries it is acceptable to take that risk on their shoulders, because it is in their national interest.” He added, “This is a unique situation, where we as a company simply cannot take the risk, if in … four years the vaccine is showing side effects.”
FDA threatens to use emergency use provision to get liability-free covid-19 vaccines to market
To make matters worse, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is already declaring, that new COVID-19 vaccines will
likely be rushed to market
using the emergency use provision in the FDA “regulations.” An exemption provided in 21 CFR 56.104(c) allows a drug or biologic to bypass prior review and approval by the Institutional Review Boards and investigators. Emergency use is
designated for an
investigational drug or biological product (vaccine)
on a human subject, who faces a life-threatening situation, in which no standard acceptable treatment is available and
in which there is not enough time to obtain institutional review board approval. In order to achieve this emergency use designation, there must be sufficient evidence, that the biologic is necessary for treating a “severely debilitating”
disease, that is causing “irreversible morbidity”. The problem is, that vaccines are not treatments; they are merely
a promise of protection against a potential infection. In order to get emergency use authorization, everyone needs to be convinced, that they are infected with or at risk at all times to a deadly disease.
This is why effective treatment protocols
are being censored online,
why independent doctors are being threatened and fired, when they come forward with treatment success stories. The
situation must look as grim, as possible. COVID-19 must have the
highest of mortality rates
and be perceived as a “severely debilitating” disease, that no one is “immune to.” This is why there is no discussion
on strengthening the human immune response, why there are exaggerated claims of ICUs filling up and why there is constant media reporting of “hotspots” and “rising case numbers”. It’s all part of a big, desperate vaccine sell.
Governments guaranteeing vaccine makers legal immunity, even when debilitation and death result from the vaccines
The worst part is, that none of these vaccine manufacturers will face legal action for the side effects caused by
their rushed vaccines. A senior executive for AstraZeneca has already declared, that his company is immune from
legal action from the side effects caused by the new vaccines.
For the Moderna vaccine, clinical trials already show, that
80 percent of vaccine recipients will show symptoms
after getting injected, but this science is irrelevant, because these vaccines are for emergency use for a disease,
that no one is supposed to survive! Furthermore, the FDA will approve the vaccines as long as the injections are
as effective as a flip of the coin (50%).
This means, no one will know, if they are effective or not.
Twenty-five pharmaceutical companies are already testing their products on humans and receiving authorization to
test hundreds of millions more doses on populations around the world. AstraZeneca has already profited $12.6 billion
the last six months and the vaccine hasn’t even come to fruition or hit the market. Even though they are flush with cash, AstraZeneca will not be held responsible for damages stemming from their “hopeful” vaccine candidate.
Because vaccine manufacturers, like AstraZeneca, are indemnified from lawsuits, when people are harmed by the rushed
vaccines, the rule of law is dead. It doesn’t matter. if the vaccine injury causes sickness, neurological damage, seizures, autoimmune disorders, or severe and life-threatening reactions: The vaccine makers are free from judicial accountability. Their products will continue to enjoy licensure and market exclusivity,
harming more people along the way.
Some countries are setting up public funds to compensate those injured by the vaccines. These taxpayer-funded systems
allow pharmaceutical companies to harm people carte blanche, all for the “greater good”.
It’s not just the vaccine makers, that are corrupt to the core, criminal enterprises run amok. It’s the leadership of
each country, that is abiding by the vaccine makers’ demands. In their contracts with each country, AstraZeneca only
agrees to supply their vaccines, if the leaders of the country guarantee, that they will be indemnified, barring any
injured party from legal recourse, if and when they are harmed by the vaccine. Most countries are succumbing to these
demands, throwing away the rule of law and allowing a select few vaccine companies to rule over humanity, to reign by
terror, and to maim and kill people at their own will.