National Geographic
December 3, 2010
Christine Dell'Amore
Metal may influence sexual development in white ibises, expert says. Male birds, that eat mercury-contaminated
food, show "surprising" homosexual behavior, scientists have found.

White ibises perch in Galveston Bay near Smith Point, Texas (file photo).
Photograph by Joel Sartore, National Geographic
In a recent experiment in captive white ibises many of the males exposed to the metal chose other males as mates.
These "male-male pairs did everything, that a heterosexual pair would do," said study leader Peter Frederick, a
wildlife ecologist at the University of Florida in Gainesville. "They built their nest, copulated together, stayed
together on a nest for a month, even though there were no eggs — they did the whole nine yards."
Wild white ibises — among the most common birds in Florida's Everglades — are exposed daily to mercury through
their diets of crustaceans and other small invertebrates.
The prey animals take up mercury, that's long seeped into the Everglades as a byproduct of industrial processes,
such as waste incineration.
Recent pollution-control measures have "grossly reduced" the contamination, Frederick said. Even so, the new study
shows, that ibises experience "fairly major reproductive problems at pretty low levels of [mercury]".
Contaminated Birds Produce Fewer Babies
During the five-year experiment Frederick and colleague Nilmini Jayasena divided 160 young captive white ibises
into four groups of equal numbers of males and females.
During the study period male and female birds were allowed to choose their mates — an experimental first, according
to the study authors.
"All other studies, that involve reproduction in birds, took a male and a female and put them in a cage," Frederick
said. "Our finding, while novel, is the first time, anybody's looked for it."
Starting at around 90 days of age, each of three groups was fed a diet containing either low, medium or high amounts
of mercury, based on a realistic range of exposures in the wild. A fourth control group ate mercury-free food.
Once the birds had reached sexual maturity at around a year old, homosexual bonding increased in all three groups
exposed to mercury. This behavior led to a 13- to 15-percent decline in the number of young, compared to the
mercury-free control group.
The metal also impacted heterosexual couples. Overall, female birds exposed to mercury yielded 35 percent fewer
babies, than the control group.
The biological mechanism for how the metal causes homosexual actions is not totally understood, Frederick added.
Mercury is a known endocrine disruptor — a substance, that mimics or blocks the production of natural estrogen.
In this case exposed male birds' bodies produced more estrogen, than testosterone as compared with control birds.
Though hormones can affect sexual behavior, estrogen or testosterone alone usually don't influence, how a bird
chooses a mate. This makes Frederick speculate, that mercury exposure during the birds' sexual development may
play a role.
Mercury Mysteries Remain
Many unknowns remain about the study and mercury's effects, Frederick warned.
The team did not have funding, for example, to examine, whether taking mercury out of the birds' diets would stop
the homosexual behavior.
But "my suspicion is, none of the effects, we saw, are likely to be permanent," Frederick said. In general, mercury
flushes from a bird's body within weeks, if the animal isn't consistently exposed.
Frederick also emphasized, that the study has no ramification for humans.
"There's a great tendency to extrapolate this study in an offhand fashion to mean 'Oh, if you eat mercury, you're
going to be gay,'" he said.
In addition the researchers can't say for sure, whether homosexual behavior occurs in wild birds exposed to mercury.
But at least one expert praised the white ibis study for showing a plausible effect of mercury poisoning in the wild.
One of the "great frustrations" for scientists is lab studies on environmental contamination, that don't predict,
what happens in the wild, Lou Guillette, a zoologist at the Medical University of South Carolina, said in a statement.
"So a study like this, that looks at environmentally appropriate levels of mercury, is probably the most powerful
kind of study to tell us, what's going on in the real world," said Guillette, who was not part of the research.
Study author Frederick added, that the research "gives us a very clear prediction to test: to get out and see,
whether there are males pairing with males in nature."
"This study badly needs to be replicated."
The homosexual-bird research was published online December 1, 2010 in the journal
Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
WRH Comments
That's hysterical. :)
If you're offered mercury filings - the Dentist fancies you. :)
I guess, if we map a mercury poisoning chart on top of California, we will realize, that the gold rush in the
San Francisco area, for which mercury was utilized, had some unintended consequences! Uh huh!
Buzzards boys...
Ethan Allen and...
and others are still finding beaucoup mercury in California gold country streams.