December 14, 2016
Randy P. Deabay

We all know that liberal billionaire George Soros is a fervid fan of Hillary Clinton. The Donald Trump-George Soros connection!!!
But were you also aware, that George and Donald have been partners more, than once? These partnerships show the
George Soros, we are familiar with, illegal activities paid with the almighty dollar, but we also find, that
Donald played the game exactly the same and it cost him financially.
It all started with a simple loan between billionaires, but one is known as an avid socialist, who is out to
destroy the American way of life, while the other, well, the other is following in the socialistic perspective
and has partnered with George Soros, when he was in need of money. In 2004 George Soros made a $160-million
loan to Donald Trump to build Trump Tower in Chicago. The $160-million Soros investment came in the form of
a so-called “mezzanine loan”. (A mezzanine loan is like a second mortgage, that charges a higher interest rate,
than the initial construction loan.)
Additionally, in 2008 Trump and Soros found themselves named co-defendants in a major lawsuit together by Leslie
Dick Worldwide Ltd., which filed a RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization) lawsuit against 17 parties,
including Trump and Soros. Leslie Dick accused Soros, Trump and Deutsche Bank AG among others of having concocted
a scheme to win the 2003 auction for the General Motors Building in downtown Manhattan. This is known as bid rigging.
It is illegal! In fact it is so illegal, that in March of 2016 CEO Aubrey McClendon was indicted for the same — he’s
suspected of “conspiring to rig bids to buy oil and natural gas leases in northwest Oklahoma”. Not bad, Donald Trump
can play in the big leagues or illegal activities! On January 6, 2009 U.S. District Judge Barbara Jones dismissed
Leslie Dick’s request for entry of a default judgment, ruling, that Trump and the other defendants had already begun
to actively litigate the case. Other, than that, coverage of the suit has since been minimal and it remains unknown
as to whether or not it’s been resolved. Later in 2009 – on Christmas Eve, in fact – The New York Post noted, that
Trump attended a private party with Soros and infamously liberal Hollywood director Oliver Stone. So we have RICO
Act, George Soros and liberal Hollywood directors!
Yes, this plot thickens more. Donald never learns. It took him 3 business bankruptcies and a few chapter 11s to
learn not to overextend for too long. Of Donald's original 160-million-dollar mezzanine loan, somehow Trump did
not have to worry about paying back the majority of his mezzanine loan. A special group of lenders came in and
erased a significant portion of this obligation. That group was the original mezzanine loan lenders: Soros,
Fortress and Blackacre, all of whom decided to forgive Trump’s future interest payments on the loan, selling
it to him at the massively reduced price of $48 million. To put that in starker terms, Soros and the others
effectively gave Trump possibly hundreds of millions of dollars in debt forgiveness, while cutting down the
principal of his loan by $82 million.
$160-million loan footnotes:
*Two articles quote the total for the mezzanine loan at $130 million. However, due to the limited coverage of
the deal we do not know at this time, which is the true figure.
**Given the original figure of the $160-million principal, this would be an approximate $112-million giveaway
on the loan’s principle to Trump, according to WeAreChange.org.
This is only a beginning of the sort of business dealings, that Donald Trump has been involved in, which include
racketeering, money laundering and mob connections partners. Another case of the wrong person at the wrong time
for the Wrong position in America. The question still is, why would you ever vote for a criminal and liberal,
that tries to portray Republican stances, while partnering with liberal billionaires and crime lords?