Only an idiot can claim, that for the opposition it's about the protection of media freedom in the Parliament. Lis and Komorowski show, what it's really like.
December 19, 2016
Marcin Wikło
Foto: PAP/Paweł Supernak/Marcin Obara - Tweet: "Poles! The coup d'état is underway! Now!"
Free media? Perhaps rather free jokes! The opposition cares about about media access to information? That's great! I'm also for full openness of Parliament. But let's start with the fact, that those deputies of the Platforma Obywatelska (Civic Platform left-wing party), who today are so spectacularly occupying the plenary hall of Parliament, will appear on all television programs and not only on those, which are hosted by anchors sympathizing with them. Mr. Schetyna, Mrs. Kidawa-Błońska and Mr. Siemoniak should know, what I'm talking about. That's some kind of freedom, that's some kind of access to information!
The second issue. I have already written about this, as well, but I feel compelled to repeat, that I DISAGREE with the restrictions for reporters in Parliament, which Speaker Marek Kuchciński wants to introduce.
But this is still a matter, which we should talk about and not get conned by people, who treat journalists like tools. On the one side it's astonishing, but also showing precisely, that what this is all about, is the activity of some journalists. Chief editor of "Newsweek" Tomasz Lis leaves no room for speculation: "We don't give a f… about the media, it's about overthrowing the PiS (Prawo i Sprawiedliwość, Law and Justice right-wing party) government."
"The position of many editors, including Newsweek's, is: No talks today, no compromises in the future." - he wrote before the meeting of journalists with the Speaker of the Senate, Stanislaw Karczewski.
Previously he called for… Well, what did Tomasz Lis actually call for?
"Poles! The coup d'état is underway! Now!" - he wrote on Twitter.
Just to be "clear", that it's all about free media in Parliament…
The third issue. Who and why are now demonstrating in the streets? Hardly anyone knows. It's supposed to have started with the action #WolneMediaWSejmie (free media in Parliament), but now it's just rocking the boat, that counts. The scenario of a Polish Majdan is being realized before our eyes. To me it's not about scaremongering, but about the awareness of what we are witnessing. And I see the praise of violence and on the part of those people, who constantly call themselves the Polish elite. Especially in this area distinguished himself, in my opinion, the former President, Bronislaw Komorowski.
"I had the satisfaction of watching one of the known PiS deputies, as she bolted from Parliament under government police escort. We were all satisfied, let it remain so!" I hope, that no one will forget this by (thankfully) former President, because this is such a vulgarity, that should blow even his capacious mind.